No holidays for me.
Even if wanted them.
It's work, work, work and training to do even more work.
24 December, 2011
18 December, 2011
Let's see if I can muster some willpower to start making my own android apps.
Why? Because there is a ton of apps that I would really like but they neither don't exist or the existing ones don't really perform the way I would like them to.
If I do succeed, I will probably also try to make some widgets for google chrome and calender, but, unfortunately, knowing me - I will probably fail at the android stage already.
In any case, it would be really nice if I succeeded, because at least then I will be doing something with my free time that's, since I left college, is being wasted on pretty much pathetic nothing.
Why? Because there is a ton of apps that I would really like but they neither don't exist or the existing ones don't really perform the way I would like them to.
If I do succeed, I will probably also try to make some widgets for google chrome and calender, but, unfortunately, knowing me - I will probably fail at the android stage already.
In any case, it would be really nice if I succeeded, because at least then I will be doing something with my free time that's, since I left college, is being wasted on pretty much pathetic nothing.
12 December, 2011
The Swedbank stuff...a ridiculous out of control bullshit !
What the hell is wrong with people, they never pay attention to details. There is no reliable source of information that Swedbank is going down, the SMS sent to people are ridiculously inaccurate and even more - add obviously stupid information (e.g. people in Lithuania are able to take out only 50 lats out of the ATM's - implying that their currency so easily translates to lats). Swedbank is extremely successful and stable bank and there is visible reason for it to shut down. Nobody ever would decide to shut down the same bank in 4 other countries and leave 1 country - Latvia - in chaos, letting clients there do whatever they want with the information.
etc. etc. etc.
Goddamn, people, think...T H I N K !
What the hell is wrong with people, they never pay attention to details. There is no reliable source of information that Swedbank is going down, the SMS sent to people are ridiculously inaccurate and even more - add obviously stupid information (e.g. people in Lithuania are able to take out only 50 lats out of the ATM's - implying that their currency so easily translates to lats). Swedbank is extremely successful and stable bank and there is visible reason for it to shut down. Nobody ever would decide to shut down the same bank in 4 other countries and leave 1 country - Latvia - in chaos, letting clients there do whatever they want with the information.
etc. etc. etc.
Goddamn, people, think...T H I N K !
29 November, 2011
Picture unrelated
I`m a bit confused about the uselessness of google+ . I don't really get it what did they mean by launching it in the state it is now. I know that they are working on integrating other google products into google+, in fact, I would really love to see google calendar integrated there so that I could share my schedules with people I know without being afraid that some I don't want to know my schedules would start looking at them.
There is a lot of potential and hopes for google+, but at the state it is now, it might just die off without even really starting up, because people will just leave it and forget it.
Another great idea - to integrate google maps inside google+ so that I would have an easy way to share information about some random places in the city with people I know. I am aware that I could do it now already, but it just has no point if most people I know are kind of computer illiterates and have no idea or will to use random google tools.
26 November, 2011
By putting a small bit of innovation in helping myself out at work and creating this map, I managed to get a small token of approval from the company whose calls I`m picking up. A stylishly black backpack, white t-shirt and white+black towel (I think it's actually beach towel, not sure though, as it's a bit small for that), all with Tele2 logo on them. I do feel appreciated and positive about it for a change.
Still holding on to the idea that maybe job at Transcom may not be the best paying job in the world, but still the pay is decent enough and the atmosphere we have there completely makes it worthwhile.
Pics? No, not this time, I`m getting too embarrassed about taking photos with a goddamn phone all the time...
Sidenote: today I stepped in shit. Haven't had that happen for at least 10 years.
17 November, 2011
Goddamnit, my results from blood test came back. I know there is nothing serious, but still, I`m seriously curious and I can't read them for a crap. And there is just one person I know who could explain this to me.
Here is me hoping my ex- still looks at my blog from time to time and wishing she wouldn't.
My superpower is controversy.
Here is me hoping my ex- still looks at my blog from time to time and wishing she wouldn't.
My superpower is controversy.
14 November, 2011
Building some plans on buying a new bed and a mattress. My plan is to spend about 150 lats on that purpose so it will most probably take me about 2-3 months to spare the money. I might be able to economize a bit on the bed itself if I manage to buy a used one. Regarding the mattress, however, I`m not entirely sure weather to choose the cheaper coil mattress or a memory foam one. Logic dictates that the memory foam ones are worth the money, but then again - I can sleep anywhere, do I really care ?
The picture - pretty much what I would love to get, but it's a bit too costy for me.
10 November, 2011
09 November, 2011
What has happened over the past 30 years is the capture of the world's common treasury by a handful of people, assisted by neoliberal policies which were first imposed on rich nations by Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan. I am now going to bombard you with figures. I'm sorry about that, but these numbers need to be tattooed on our minds. Between 1947 and 1979, productivity in the US rose by 119%, while the income of the bottom fifth of the population rose by 122%. But from 1979 to 2009, productivity rose by 80%, while the income of the bottom fifth fell by 4%. In roughly the same period, the income of the top 1% rose by 270%.via George Monbiot @
I think I should do some fact checking on this, but, meh, I`m too lazy for that and it won't change what that article is telling me.
While I`m not as dumb to go out on streets protesting against the products and brands I owe my lifestyle to, yelling "I`m the 99%", still I can't disagree that there is something essentially wrong with society when the rich ones get richer and poor ones keep getting poorer. I`m not sure that I even understand what the hell the rich people are doing with their goddamn money?
But oh well, I was never rich and never will be, so who am I to judge ?
08 November, 2011
Can I haz a perfect score please?
I slowly find myself switching from playing games on the bus to reading news. Guess that's how my subconsciousness is trying to compensate for the lack of education. Though I don't believe that it will last.
Having a good start of the month at job. The pessimist in me screams in agony just by imagining how terrible the end of this month is going to be.
Also, it's 3am. I need to discover a method that would enable me to go to sleep at a decent time. But then again, it's not like I`m loosing any time of my life this way...considering that I have none currently.
01 November, 2011
Freshly shaved.
For the archives. So noone complains anymore afterwards, when I grow it back.
Didn't care much that I kind of look like crap there, that my mirror is dirty or that I`m taking the damn pic with a goddamn phone camera (left my own camera with my ex-, didn't tell her but it was sort of a "sorry" for all the gifts I didn't give her). What I`m trying to say is that I didn't care at the moment, but now it kinda does bother me :|
For the archives. So noone complains anymore afterwards, when I grow it back.
Didn't care much that I kind of look like crap there, that my mirror is dirty or that I`m taking the damn pic with a goddamn phone camera (left my own camera with my ex-, didn't tell her but it was sort of a "sorry" for all the gifts I didn't give her). What I`m trying to say is that I didn't care at the moment, but now it kinda does bother me :|
31 October, 2011
Went to optometrist to check my vision. It's still near-perfect. Looks like one of my eyes is a bit lazy on adapting thus it may happen that I see a bit worse with that one, but even than my vision with it is better than for the most people. Curiously enough that's the eye that's always further from my screen which I`m embracing for 12hours a day. I`m a living evidence that our digital screens don't affect our vision as much as our parents would like to think.
tl;dr Computers can't do a shit against my superior vision.
tl;dr Computers can't do a shit against my superior vision.
I`m putting in some effort to change myself a bit and as a result today I bought some new clothes that actually are not black. Well, the pants are kind of greyish, underpants are plaid in grey, darkbluewhite and solid green and my two hoodies are plaid blackwhite and blackpurple.
I`m too lazy to take pics and nobody cares anyway.
My new pants don't go along with the damn purple hoodie at all, but oh well whatever, the important thing is that I tried. Not that I care about how fashionable I look anyway...
The most fun thing about everything is that I didn't check the damn sizes and now I will be forced to go back to the store and swap them again. The downside of not having a girlfriend anymore with whom to shop - she always remembered to check the sizes.
I`m too lazy to take pics and nobody cares anyway.
My new pants don't go along with the damn purple hoodie at all, but oh well whatever, the important thing is that I tried. Not that I care about how fashionable I look anyway...
The most fun thing about everything is that I didn't check the damn sizes and now I will be forced to go back to the store and swap them again. The downside of not having a girlfriend anymore with whom to shop - she always remembered to check the sizes.
30 October, 2011
Because I`m so demanding when I judge people weather to let them closer to me or not, I sometimes think that if I could ever bring together everyone I ever had prolonged contact with, they all would be the damn best friends to each-other. And yet I would still be the one who would stay unnecessary, lonely, the outsider, the odd one.
Funny how that works, that weather we have friends or don't never depends on how good of character judges we are or how even on how other people view us - it always depends on how hard we want and try to fiend friends.
Funny how that works, that weather we have friends or don't never depends on how good of character judges we are or how even on how other people view us - it always depends on how hard we want and try to fiend friends.
29 October, 2011
27 October, 2011
The tutorial of how not to...

Well, that's the main message of today at least.
Lately I have been keeping this blog kind of silent the main cause of which was that I was feeling like shit. I still do. However, taking in note that this blog was created as my student's blog and obviously now it has lost its purpose, I decided to make this blog my bullshit_i_want_to_share blog as of now. Share with whom? - idk, probably google as that's the only friend I have at the moment o.O
Oh, yeah, atm I have nothing much to share, as I`m currently living in my past with the excuse that I have no future and there is nothing going on in my present.
Picture related: it's the artists impression of the amount of fucks that will ever be given over all this, as well as an accurate description of my present and future.
31 August, 2011
Somehow I think that drinking a bottle carbohydrated water for a week accelerated my metabolism. I know that most people would consider it awesome, as fast metabolism is a sign of healthy body, but not me - I have never before in my life had felt so hungry or had to urinate so often. I am perfectly fine with eating one or two big meals a day and accordingly using the toilet twice or thrice a day. Wasting so much time on these things is a torture for me.
30 August, 2011
Lately I have been getting some confusing dreams. Confusing in the sense, that they are extremely close to reality. I dream some little things, like changes in someones schedule that affect my schedule as well, so I have to remember to be at a certain place at a certain time. After waking up it actually takes some time for me to get clear, weather it was just a dream or a genuine memory. I wonder what's causing it. And I`m a little afraid that one of these days I will take one of those dreams for reality and end up doing something stupid.
25 August, 2011
Supposedly I had a free day today. Supposedly... I`m on my legs since I woke up, still have stuff left to do and I feel beaten dead. Thank God work is never as hard as stuff we have to do in our free time.
No, I won't be writing what I was busy with the whole day, because I`m too tired to write a report of 4 pages.
No, I won't be writing what I was busy with the whole day, because I`m too tired to write a report of 4 pages.
22 August, 2011
Back from my first real day of work. It feels amazing to work again, even better than I thought it would. Now I just have to get over that annoying phase where I`m just learning how to properly do stuff and I will actually start liking my work place.
P.S. Made tons of mistakes, hopefully nobody will notice them. (wishful thinking)
P.S. Made tons of mistakes, hopefully nobody will notice them. (wishful thinking)
20 August, 2011
My job intro is finally over, that is, the official training part is finally finished and on Monday I will start picking up calls. My test results weren't all that bad, so obviously I do have all the necessary knowledge, I just hope I will manage to use it as well. Not everyone can multi-task at a level that requires you to simultaneously: talk (in foreign language included), solve problems, work with computer and lead a conversation being as polite and professional as humanly possible. And even if I do manage that, there is also the question of combining my work with studies.
I`m not complaining, I`m just being realistic and those won't be easy few months ahead of me.
I`m not complaining, I`m just being realistic and those won't be easy few months ahead of me.
In other news, today I have a day off and my ex-girlfriend promised to come over (in exchange for some pancakes, lol). A change of scenery in my everyday life won't hurt me at the moment.
Also: I need a goddamn washing machine, how do I get to one for free?
Also: I need a goddamn washing machine, how do I get to one for free?
15 August, 2011
Wow, what the hell...just got an invite in facebook from one of the few guys I have been trying to forget since I left the school. Never had I imagined that I will be forced to deny an invite on facebook. Maybe I care about my f-list a little more than I previously thought.
Well, this is a really bad start for a day...and a week.
Well, this is a really bad start for a day...and a week.
11 August, 2011
Wow, I`m retarded
Today on my way home I decided to buy some cheap earphones for my galaxy mini...and I did it... I bought some random generic Panasonic earphones and I completely forgot that mobile phone ones actually should have a mic on them.
Well, 5 lats successfully wasted. Good job.
Well, 5 lats successfully wasted. Good job.
09 August, 2011
The information confidentiality policies are putting quite a strain on my ability to learn software and policies required for my profession. I`m used to studying on my own and doing the tedious stuff at my own pace, be it sometimes faster or slower than for the others. The additional work I do at home or when I`m free to to do as I please is my way of compensating for every drawback of mine. But these damn policies are not letting me do as I please and so I`m forced to do everything exactly where they put me and according to the schedule they decided upon.
But oh well, essentially It's my own problem and it's what I myself signed for. Will just have to find way to adapt. Now hopefully I`m not wrong this time and I am indeed good at adapting.
Reminder for self: Get your goddamn ambitions back on the ground !
But oh well, essentially It's my own problem and it's what I myself signed for. Will just have to find way to adapt. Now hopefully I`m not wrong this time and I am indeed good at adapting.
Reminder for self: Get your goddamn ambitions back on the ground !
06 August, 2011
Aside from the success of surviving till the weekend through my first work week (well, sorta work), today I received my Samsung Galaxy Mini. Tried it out a little bit, can't say I could complain about anything so far. I just wish I could find some decent games or applications for it...most of the popular stuff is actually complete crap. But oh well, whatever. The good stuff will probably find me on its own eventually.
I wonder if I have to do anything else besides owning an android to become a member of the android club?
I wonder if I have to do anything else besides owning an android to become a member of the android club?
03 August, 2011
02 August, 2011
Yeah, completely forgot to report in after my first day at "work". Currently we are being trained and the training will last for 3 weeks. Nothing really special to report about stuff that has happened so far, just that my impression about the company still hasn't been tarnished. I do think that I should be able to deal with my future job obligations once the training is finished, I`m a bit worried about my Russian though. But will see...
Also, I don't really want to sound prejudiced or pretentious (crap, can't find a fitting translation for the Latvian "ārišķīgs"), but I`m astounded at how many good looking people are working as phone operators workers in the company. Not like there is something wrong with it, it's just not how you usually imagine your average office-worker-phone-operator. Of course, there are some fuglies and a little overweight people as well, it pretty much proves that they do not really look at that when picking their workers, came out like that...
Also, I don't really want to sound prejudiced or pretentious (crap, can't find a fitting translation for the Latvian "ārišķīgs"), but I`m astounded at how many good looking people are working as phone operators workers in the company. Not like there is something wrong with it, it's just not how you usually imagine your average office-worker-phone-operator. Of course, there are some fuglies and a little overweight people as well, it pretty much proves that they do not really look at that when picking their workers, came out like that...
30 July, 2011
29 July, 2011
2 and a half hours, for f---s sake ! That's how long I was standing in a line to transfer from one phone company to another. Why? Because they lured me in with a promo during which they give Samsung Galaxy Mini (and to other phones) for free*. So, about in a week I will be paying three times my phone bill and for that I will finally get a new phone. I gave in basicly because it's advantageous for me because of 2 main factors: the phone will actually be cheaper for me this way than buying a new one on credit or with cash and because I`m transferring to a company for which I will essentially be working starting from august the 1st .
Well, that's about it.
*in this case word "free" adapts the definition of elevated fees and with condition that you won't be changing phone operators and you won't stop paying the subscriber's fee in any case for 2 years (24 months)
Well, that's about it.
*in this case word "free" adapts the definition of elevated fees and with condition that you won't be changing phone operators and you won't stop paying the subscriber's fee in any case for 2 years (24 months)
28 July, 2011
Good news everyone...
Just got called back from transcom. I have the job. training period starts at monday and it will last for some 2 or 3 weeks. And before that I should work a bit on my russian, as I need to tune it in.
Reminder for self: DO NOT MESS UP NOW ! training period starts at monday and it will last for some 2 or 3 weeks. And before that I should work a bit on my russian, as I need to tune it in.
Reminder for self: DO NOT MESS UP NOW !
25 July, 2011
Had the second job interview for transcom today, the individual one...well, lol about the individual, I was interviewed by 3 women...
Anyway, went somewhat ok till the part where I had to pretend that I`m answering a phone call in russian. Suddenly forgot the two main phrases. I did explain myself that I just need to tune in for that type of conversations and that answering calls in russian shouldn't be a problem for me after that, but will see...
Anyway, went somewhat ok till the part where I had to pretend that I`m answering a phone call in russian. Suddenly forgot the two main phrases. I did explain myself that I just need to tune in for that type of conversations and that answering calls in russian shouldn't be a problem for me after that, but will see...
22 July, 2011
Oh, yeah, so I had this interview (well, it was a group-interview sorta) at that place. Was more of a test than a job interview, but that was just the first part. I don't know, I just went over without any stress or worries or anything, wasn't particularly sure I performed well enough from the limited opportunities to show myself, but obviously it was enough. Just a couple ours later they called me back and I have an individual interview scheduled for monday. From what I can gather, if I don't do anything retarded, it almost means that I have the job. But will see.
Oh, and about the company - overall I had a very good impression about them, I`m still a bit cynical about weather I will really get the whole payment they are promoting there (I`m still concerned about some rumors I found on the net), but at least it's obvious that they do serious business there without any bullshit. Brings me some hope in.
Oh, and about the company - overall I had a very good impression about them, I`m still a bit cynical about weather I will really get the whole payment they are promoting there (I`m still concerned about some rumors I found on the net), but at least it's obvious that they do serious business there without any bullshit. Brings me some hope in.
21 July, 2011
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2 - surprisingly good and easy to connect with. So far I have been watching all the Harry Potter parts with the "oh, whatever, since I already started..." attitude, but must admit, that this last one actually seemed good and left me with lasting impression.
Great news everyone !

Anyhow, have to admit that it wasn't really a surprise for me that they did call back and tomorrow morning I have a group job-interview to attend. Probably will write a report on how it went.
18 July, 2011
Just woke up from the most amazing creation my brains ever made. A dream that could be the most entertaining sci-fi series I have yet seen. An extremely extensive dream, as I remember that I lived there throughout several episodes. Of course it's my completely subjective opinion, of course it was mostly a mix of the best series I have seen and - of course it all faded in moments after I woke up...on the most interesting place where I discovered that the little girl everyone loved was somehow my daughter, lol.
Well, reality, however, sucks. Nothing new.
Sidenote: singular and plural use of the word "brain/brains" is quite confusing.
Well, reality, however, sucks. Nothing new.
Sidenote: singular and plural use of the word "brain/brains" is quite confusing.
11 July, 2011
Before I forget it, I would like to note down, that family people are the worst kind of people you want to in power as politics. Why? Because they care about their family and well-being of their own family is what always comes first for them. They will steal, murder, lie and cheat on anyone else, as long as it provides them with means to protect those dear to them.
Well, of course, it rises two questions then. First would be - what if they consider their whole country their family, not just the ones closest to them? Well, I don't think that I even have to reply to that, because anyone who believes that something like that could be true is just kidding themselves or doesn't really understand what it means to care for other people. And the second question is - how are the ones who do not care about their family as much any better? And that's actually a quite tricky question I can't give a complete answer to myself. I can only state my own reason for believing that - essentially all people ar good (well, that's due to being scared shitless of being evil and getting punished for it, but it doesn't change anything), where was I...essentially all people are good and the ones that seek their way to obtaining political power have some purpose to do so and chances are quite high, that their purpose is to change the world for something better.
Of course, there are always exclusions, special cases and the oh so high ratio of me being wrong, but that's my general view on it.
10 July, 2011
Completely shaved my beard off today. Feeling naked. Wanted to make a photo for the archives, but, unfortunately, my camera is most probably in France. And my webcam doesn't really want to cooperate. So meh - w/e. Anyway, did it only because I figured that I won't be leaving my house for a few days, so now would be the ideal time for it. Had to do it to get a grip on my damn beard, because it was becoming a pain to trim and shaving it off from time to time helps to keep it short and under control.
Additionally, my parents visited me today (despite me protesting against it for 2 weeks - complete waste of money). Of course they brought me a ton of food which most probably will get bad before I will eat it. Their persistence in wasting money sometimes amazes me. Seriously, they are really lucky that their kids know the worth of money and don't spend it on crap like 99% of people under 30 do. But then again, they aren't really lucky that they got such a loser like me as their child. Wish I could do something about it, but the goddamn world is never white or black, there are only the shades of gray.
Additionally, my parents visited me today (despite me protesting against it for 2 weeks - complete waste of money). Of course they brought me a ton of food which most probably will get bad before I will eat it. Their persistence in wasting money sometimes amazes me. Seriously, they are really lucky that their kids know the worth of money and don't spend it on crap like 99% of people under 30 do. But then again, they aren't really lucky that they got such a loser like me as their child. Wish I could do something about it, but the goddamn world is never white or black, there are only the shades of gray.
08 July, 2011
Well, what do you know, finally there has arisen a need for me to build a CV in English. So far it seems that it will result only in great many headaches for, because I don't really like any of the so far seen, offered formats to write it in. I need something basic, condensed, easy to percieve, but the international job market doesn't seem to agree with me.
At least now I know why lying in CV's is so popular. The free format and the amount of superficial information entered in most CV's is just asking for it.
Part of me wishes I could get some help on it, but another part knows that I will only loose by not doing it myself.
At least now I know why lying in CV's is so popular. The free format and the amount of superficial information entered in most CV's is just asking for it.
Part of me wishes I could get some help on it, but another part knows that I will only loose by not doing it myself.
06 July, 2011
Just finished watching Transformers: Dark of the Moon. Contrary to IMDB, I actually liked the third part, while I was never a really passionate fan of the first two. Well, what I disliked was some SCI-FI typical nonsense, which was expected, and pretty much every scene with Sam's gf in it.
Is my taste in movies that bad?
Is my taste in movies that bad?
At least someone called me back regarding a job application. Just came back from the interview, my hopes on actually getting the job are close to none, but the fact that someone actually noticed me alone is worth mentioning.
That's another week added that I`m sure about that I will last.
At least someone called me back regarding a job application. Just came back from the interview, my hopes on actually getting the job are close to none, but the fact that someone actually noticed me alone is worth mentioning.
That's another week added that I`m sure about that I will last.
05 July, 2011
A small report
So I finally did set myself moving a bit. First of, tried out that damn Pitburger at Falafel King, can't complain, was quite tasty. Can't say the same about chips that came with it -quite awful, not cooked enough and lacking salt.
Additionally, I bought an ice-cream that I completely forgot to put in fridge right *yay*, an ice-cream drink with a surprise stick in it !
What got me a little down was that RIMI was out of dumplings (reminder for self: pelmeņi translates as dumplings) with cheese...pretty much for the same reason why I wanted to buy them - they were at half the price :| That is, usually they are quite expensive, but their price was put down so low that they actually cost about as much as one of low-budget meals.
Additionally, I bought an ice-cream that I completely forgot to put in fridge right *yay*, an ice-cream drink with a surprise stick in it !
What got me a little down was that RIMI was out of dumplings (reminder for self: pelmeņi translates as dumplings) with cheese...pretty much for the same reason why I wanted to buy them - they were at half the price :| That is, usually they are quite expensive, but their price was put down so low that they actually cost about as much as one of low-budget meals.
Well, obviously while I was asleep The Rapture finally kick in, as we are out of hot water and my property manager's [ ? ] homesite is down.
Can't even do my damn dishes. And oh the icy fun in shower...that
Anyway, I should maybe get myself moving today. Enough is enough.
P.S. Still zero luck on finding a job.
Can't even do my damn dishes. And oh the icy fun in shower...that
Anyway, I should maybe get myself moving today. Enough is enough.
P.S. Still zero luck on finding a job.
02 July, 2011
Hey, I finally decided to make a walk outside. I just returned from it and it was a nice walk around the smelly Brīvības street during which I could enjoy the fantastic sudden, spontaneous summer rain without an umbrella. That was a nicely spent half an hour of my life. Let's completely forget for a while, that I was actually planning to go to post and then to take out the meal I bought a coupon for and do some shopping, only I didn't manage to do any of that because I forgot my passport and my time schedule didn't account for that. Let's stay happy and enjoy only the positive.
Just tried playing Dungeon Siege III...I have never played buggier crap in my life. This is the reason why I would still first download pirated versions of games, even if I did have the money to buy them.
Just checked on steam...they are asking 50 euros for it...
Just checked on steam...they are asking 50 euros for it...
01 July, 2011
My annoyingness, you can't even grasp its immensity.
How the hell should I understand that after standing up my head started spinning so hard, that everything went blank and I almost fainted, which, due to me standing at that moment and still trying to hold by the wall, resulted in uncontrolled spasms in my legs? o.O How the hell should I understand that my head has started spinning so often, actually ?
Sometimes I wonder if I do should try eating a bit more, but, guessing by the silence my mother gave me on the phone after a certain question, there is no way I will find the funds for it in the near future without finding a job for myself.
It still baffles me, why the hell companies keep looking for employees using such retarded system if it's fairly obvious that they so often end up hiring incompetent morons. Or does such trait persist only in Latvia, where most low-qualification jobs are given to someone through acquaintanceship ?
An idea (finally, lol) shot through my head, that I might try signing up for some language course in Latvijas Universitāte and try getting in budget...but then I got completely discouraged by understanding how low are my chances on landing in budget there and how even lower they are on keeping it if I have to study in 2 colleges simultaneously. Not to mention that I could scratch my hopes on getting a job in next 3 years. Still I feel like I should fiddle around with that idea.
Maybe I will try out google+. Maybe I won't.
How the hell should I understand that after standing up my head started spinning so hard, that everything went blank and I almost fainted, which, due to me standing at that moment and still trying to hold by the wall, resulted in uncontrolled spasms in my legs? o.O How the hell should I understand that my head has started spinning so often, actually ?
Sometimes I wonder if I do should try eating a bit more, but, guessing by the silence my mother gave me on the phone after a certain question, there is no way I will find the funds for it in the near future without finding a job for myself.
It still baffles me, why the hell companies keep looking for employees using such retarded system if it's fairly obvious that they so often end up hiring incompetent morons. Or does such trait persist only in Latvia, where most low-qualification jobs are given to someone through acquaintanceship ?
An idea (finally, lol) shot through my head, that I might try signing up for some language course in Latvijas Universitāte and try getting in budget...but then I got completely discouraged by understanding how low are my chances on landing in budget there and how even lower they are on keeping it if I have to study in 2 colleges simultaneously. Not to mention that I could scratch my hopes on getting a job in next 3 years. Still I feel like I should fiddle around with that idea.
Maybe I will try out google+. Maybe I won't.
21 June, 2011
19 June, 2011
Currently I`m in a extreme rage mode.
Yesterday I decided to wipe my C: drive and reinstall a shiny new Windows 7, which I did. Had some expected problems with sound drivers etc., but nothing really I couldn't manage...till I decided to install the goddamn Microsoft Office. Whatever version I try installing, the setup keeps giving me the damn "Only one instance of setup may be run at a time" error message I can't goddamn get past. The problem must have been hiding in that I keep 2 partitions and formatted just one...and that I did only quick format (although it shouldn't matter). So far I have tried pretty much everything I can think of. I shut down everything I could that seemed to might be even remotely involved with the setup or MS office process in my task manager...didn't matter. I installed ccleaner and cleaned registry error (on a freshly wiped hard drive, lol)...didn't matter. I went on with doing disc cleanup and then using ccleaner again wiping the empty space on both my partitions...didn't matter. Then I consulted MS support pages ran the Fix It tool for 3 different MS office versions along with another 3rd partition tool that does forceful MS office removal....didn't matter. Then I finally decided to run through the manual removal described in the same said MS support page...didn't matter. I even goddamn ran again through the registry with search removing everything related to office, searching everything that held the keywords mentioned in support page...still motherfucking nothing.
The persistence of this problem seriously amazes me. I have just 2 things left to try. To try installing MS office 2003 version (after I tried like 6 different 2007+2010 versions) which I don't really intend to use, and a repeated format C:, which I really really really don't want to repeat (as well as I don't want to give up).
Yeah, well, 2003 installed beautifully and worked fine. I tried to install 2010 at the same time and after removing 2003 - still the same message.
Managed to launch the setup in in safe mode and it actually ran for a while...till, as I expected, it started doing something and stopped running. Returned to normal mode and left open only services that ran during safe mode + those that I just couldn't close - still nothing. Amazing.
Well, guess what. I took down windows again, formatted C: again (this time I even deleted the partition, to make sure), reinstalled windows and still - no effect. I give up.
God! Finally resolved! What eventually worked was installing office in safe mode...well, switching my computer to clean boot mode. I will remember this method to the rest of my life.
I should give credit to info I found in this link:
Yesterday I decided to wipe my C: drive and reinstall a shiny new Windows 7, which I did. Had some expected problems with sound drivers etc., but nothing really I couldn't manage...till I decided to install the goddamn Microsoft Office. Whatever version I try installing, the setup keeps giving me the damn "Only one instance of setup may be run at a time" error message I can't goddamn get past. The problem must have been hiding in that I keep 2 partitions and formatted just one...and that I did only quick format (although it shouldn't matter). So far I have tried pretty much everything I can think of. I shut down everything I could that seemed to might be even remotely involved with the setup or MS office process in my task manager...didn't matter. I installed ccleaner and cleaned registry error (on a freshly wiped hard drive, lol)...didn't matter. I went on with doing disc cleanup and then using ccleaner again wiping the empty space on both my partitions...didn't matter. Then I consulted MS support pages ran the Fix It tool for 3 different MS office versions along with another 3rd partition tool that does forceful MS office removal....didn't matter. Then I finally decided to run through the manual removal described in the same said MS support page...didn't matter. I even goddamn ran again through the registry with search removing everything related to office, searching everything that held the keywords mentioned in support page...still motherfucking nothing.
The persistence of this problem seriously amazes me. I have just 2 things left to try. To try installing MS office 2003 version (after I tried like 6 different 2007+2010 versions) which I don't really intend to use, and a repeated format C:, which I really really really don't want to repeat (as well as I don't want to give up).
Yeah, well, 2003 installed beautifully and worked fine. I tried to install 2010 at the same time and after removing 2003 - still the same message.
Managed to launch the setup in in safe mode and it actually ran for a while...till, as I expected, it started doing something and stopped running. Returned to normal mode and left open only services that ran during safe mode + those that I just couldn't close - still nothing. Amazing.
Well, guess what. I took down windows again, formatted C: again (this time I even deleted the partition, to make sure), reinstalled windows and still - no effect. I give up.

God! Finally resolved! What eventually worked was installing office in safe mode...well, switching my computer to clean boot mode. I will remember this method to the rest of my life.
I should give credit to info I found in this link:
Clean Boot mode
1. Click the Start Button and type "msconfig" (without quotation marks) in the Search Box and press Enter.
2. Click Continue to verify the permission.
3. Select the Services tab in the open window. Check the “Hide all Microsoft Services” option and click Disable All.
4. Switch to the Startup tab and click Disable All.
5. Click OK to save the settings and select Restart when prompted.
6. Click on the setup.exe in the installation files and try to install the Office program again.
Can we install it at this time?
Note: Temporarily disabling the Startup Group only prevents the startup programs from loading at startup. This shouldn't adversely affect the system or other programs. We can still manually run these programs later.
How to return from a Clean Boot state
1. Click the Start Button and type "msconfig" (without quotation marks) in the Search Box and press Enter.
2. On the "General" tab, click "Normal Startup - load all device drivers and services".
3. Click "OK". Click "Restart" when you are prompted to restart the computer.
16 June, 2011
15 June, 2011
10 June, 2011
1) Examination period is unofficially over, I can start enjoying suffering my summer.
2) Seems like my father has finally decided to go for UK. As I gather he was promised a job near Liverpool. Of course he doesn't even know what he will have to do, not to mention that he doesn't know English at all and that he won't be able to contact me as he can't use PC either...and other stuff that makes this decision kinda stupidly risky.
3) It kinda bothers me that I will die poor, because that's a death somewhere in between hopes and suffering, without much choice. I should probably look into the alternatives...something along the lines of travelling the world with a quarter in my pocket.
2) Seems like my father has finally decided to go for UK. As I gather he was promised a job near Liverpool. Of course he doesn't even know what he will have to do, not to mention that he doesn't know English at all and that he won't be able to contact me as he can't use PC either...and other stuff that makes this decision kinda stupidly risky.
3) It kinda bothers me that I will die poor, because that's a death somewhere in between hopes and suffering, without much choice. I should probably look into the alternatives...something along the lines of travelling the world with a quarter in my pocket.
07 June, 2011
Yeah, well, we were given the Oxford advanced level grammar test in the end...74% (pic related)
Sure, I could blame it on the test itself, because there were several question with more than one variant possible the test didn't actually account for, but it doesn't change the fact that I wasn't as ready as I thought I were. Oh well, whatever as long as I pass.
Sure, I could blame it on the test itself, because there were several question with more than one variant possible the test didn't actually account for, but it doesn't change the fact that I wasn't as ready as I thought I were. Oh well, whatever as long as I pass.
04 June, 2011
02 June, 2011
17 May, 2011
Few weeks ago I attempted to visit a guest lecture in our college. It was something about writing research paper or smth. Anyway, it turned out to be a complete, disastrous waste of time. Well, I blamed my college for not filtering out people who are and who aren't able to give proper presentations and lectures to the auditorium of students and moved on.
Today I was trying to go for another one. This time in a different in fact. The topic was "Creativity vs Precision" or something similar. Anyhow, I forgot to take my umbrella with me and arrived in the University completely soaked. Found the auditorium and peeked into it - it was one third in the size of our college-how I call them-classroom (because there are no auditoriums that small). After waiting for about 20 minutes till it was almost the time for it to start, I saw completely no people waiting for the lecture around, the "auditorium" was still locked and I was still pouring from the skies. Ultimately I was overcome with the feelings of defeat, stupidity and self-pity and quite simply went back out into to the rain to head home.
2 words: never again
Maybe I should have given up on it already this morning, when some jackass purposely drew a car into a puddle and got me soaked from head to toes.
Today I was trying to go for another one. This time in a different in fact. The topic was "Creativity vs Precision" or something similar. Anyhow, I forgot to take my umbrella with me and arrived in the University completely soaked. Found the auditorium and peeked into it - it was one third in the size of our college-how I call them-classroom (because there are no auditoriums that small). After waiting for about 20 minutes till it was almost the time for it to start, I saw completely no people waiting for the lecture around, the "auditorium" was still locked and I was still pouring from the skies. Ultimately I was overcome with the feelings of defeat, stupidity and self-pity and quite simply went back out into to the rain to head home.
2 words: never again
Maybe I should have given up on it already this morning, when some jackass purposely drew a car into a puddle and got me soaked from head to toes.
A report for the sake of a report
Lately I have been eating a bit healthier. My main motivation is that I was afraid to look at my own naked body in the mirror due to how skinny I had become. Well, after 2 weeks of regular intake of meat and eggs and a little bit of exercise my body has returned to looking like that of human being, which again amazes me on how fast I`m able to build up muscle mass...too bad I`m not interested in building up decent muscles, I just want to look like a human being. Last Friday I threw a few soul-patches in form of a tasty food on top of it. It's getting a bit more expensive than I would like to, but guess I will have to bear with it. Why? Because I still haven't found a job and had no replies from the CV's that I sent out. The situation is getting more and more hopeless by each day (mind you, it's already the end of may) and it's not getting any better for my parents, on whom I currently depend, as well. Also there is that emotional and human-relationship crap that I have to bear with etc. In short - I`m still sitting on that damn depressing black stroke of life and I need something to cope with it. And some tasty food is the best of my options.
Somehow I`m getting the feeling that I will just have to learn to deal with it, because, if I will live, this is how the rest of my is going to be. And if that is going to be the case, I don't intend to sit through it.
Hell will probably freeze over if my next blog post is going to bring some positive news.
Somehow I`m getting the feeling that I will just have to learn to deal with it, because, if I will live, this is how the rest of my is going to be. And if that is going to be the case, I don't intend to sit through it.
Hell will probably freeze over if my next blog post is going to bring some positive news.
15 May, 2011
So...another pair of pages completed.
Using this source material as a base and dropping in it some additional information from my own knowledge, random web search results and hand-outs given to use by our stylistical analysis lecturer, I compiled two pages covering the Syntactical Stylistic Devices. (found under the cut)
Additionally I would like to note that in the same source I used as base, there can be found some more information on e.g. lexical and phonetic stylistical devices. However I didn't use them for 2 reasons: 1) the stuff compressed in the two pages is what I will need for my this semesters exam 2) I already have several pages printed out with short descriptions of information found there and additional other stuff.
Now. Me hungry.
Using this source material as a base and dropping in it some additional information from my own knowledge, random web search results and hand-outs given to use by our stylistical analysis lecturer, I compiled two pages covering the Syntactical Stylistic Devices. (found under the cut)
Additionally I would like to note that in the same source I used as base, there can be found some more information on e.g. lexical and phonetic stylistical devices. However I didn't use them for 2 reasons: 1) the stuff compressed in the two pages is what I will need for my this semesters exam 2) I already have several pages printed out with short descriptions of information found there and additional other stuff.
Now. Me hungry.
14 May, 2011
The delay was bigger than planned thanks to some internal blogspot issues due to which I was unable to access my blogger account.
Anyway, I managed to somehow cut down and compile the previously mentioned information together and down to 4 A4 pages. The document is available under the cut.
The first 3 pages contain the information on parts of speech and you can find my source here. Last, 4th page, is about parts of sentence and you can take a look at its source here.
Well, that's about it on grammar. For now.
I`m planning to compile another few pages for stylistic analysis; hopefully I will manage to post those as well by the end of the day.
Anyway, I managed to somehow cut down and compile the previously mentioned information together and down to 4 A4 pages. The document is available under the cut.
The first 3 pages contain the information on parts of speech and you can find my source here. Last, 4th page, is about parts of sentence and you can take a look at its source here.
Well, that's about it on grammar. For now.
I`m planning to compile another few pages for stylistic analysis; hopefully I will manage to post those as well by the end of the day.
10 May, 2011
Another reminder for myself.
Should go through the mountain of information here and make a printable document out of it.
Also I should find some concentrated and trustable material on word functions with examples.
Update: Plans have changed (kinda expected as much). Postponed.
Should go through the mountain of information here and make a printable document out of it.
Also I should find some concentrated and trustable material on word functions with examples.
Update: Plans have changed (kinda expected as much). Postponed.
08 May, 2011
Just now finished editing my google profiles stuff. Added my actual real name/surname there.
Why? Because background check on me won't give out that many interesting results which is kinda suspicious and boring. So I decided to feed the best of me to anyone who attempts to do that.
The best of me is still quite boring though.
Why? Because background check on me won't give out that many interesting results which is kinda suspicious and boring. So I decided to feed the best of me to anyone who attempts to do that.
The best of me is still quite boring though.
Riga, Latvia
04 May, 2011
More stuff to share.
First I would like to start with study related materials.
Since stylistic analysis of text can sometimes get confusing especially if you are just studying it, it's always a good idea to have a good example on how to do it handily. As it turns out, good examples in stylistic analysis aren't all that easy to find (there are hundreds of bad ones however). So one of the good ones can be found in a ELTweekly issue and it might be a good idea to read it carefully and analytically if you are confused about stylistic analysis.
In fact, the ELTweekly by itself is definately worth to check out from time to time. I would really love to add them to my RSS feeds, but, unfortunately, even though they have the button there, they don't support RSS. And I don't really want to add even more spam in my mail.
Secondly, a most useful stuff for Latvians. Lattelecom are having a promotional campaign that lets you enjoy free internet TV for two whole weeks and in addition they offer you the chance to win a macbook air. In my opinion it's most definitely worth participating there. You can get your invitation here
The fun thing about TV is that there is so much stuff that I can let run in background and learn simultaneously just because I`m not interested in that enough to give it my whole attention and yet would like to see some particular moments of it. Well, guess it's a bad thing for television....
Too bad they aren't letting me watch their movies for free as well.
Since stylistic analysis of text can sometimes get confusing especially if you are just studying it, it's always a good idea to have a good example on how to do it handily. As it turns out, good examples in stylistic analysis aren't all that easy to find (there are hundreds of bad ones however). So one of the good ones can be found in a ELTweekly issue and it might be a good idea to read it carefully and analytically if you are confused about stylistic analysis.
In fact, the ELTweekly by itself is definately worth to check out from time to time. I would really love to add them to my RSS feeds, but, unfortunately, even though they have the button there, they don't support RSS. And I don't really want to add even more spam in my mail.
Secondly, a most useful stuff for Latvians. Lattelecom are having a promotional campaign that lets you enjoy free internet TV for two whole weeks and in addition they offer you the chance to win a macbook air. In my opinion it's most definitely worth participating there. You can get your invitation here
The fun thing about TV is that there is so much stuff that I can let run in background and learn simultaneously just because I`m not interested in that enough to give it my whole attention and yet would like to see some particular moments of it. Well, guess it's a bad thing for television....
Too bad they aren't letting me watch their movies for free as well.
29 April, 2011
Useful stuff.
A table/organizational system that makes it easier to remember different stylistical devices.
Source and more on it here
And while I`m at it, here is a link to OneLook Reverse Dictionary that I found to be quite useful and worth bookmarking. And not only for changing my skype moods, lol.
A table/organizational system that makes it easier to remember different stylistical devices.
Source and more on it here
And while I`m at it, here is a link to OneLook Reverse Dictionary that I found to be quite useful and worth bookmarking. And not only for changing my skype moods, lol.
27 April, 2011
On a bit more personal and deeper note, I was thinking a little about good/bad people and betrayal.
If we talk about good people, for me there is no question that it comes down to that good people are the ones, who make the hard decisions between two evils and choose the lesser one. People who think that they are good just because they donate to the starving and are pro-life to me have always looked like naive children. Thus after some short thinking weather good people are capable of betrayal I concluded that they must be capable of betrayal. One can never foresee what the future brings and very often it is necessary for someone to suffer for the greater good. And sometimes it is necessary that someone carries that suffering through and that is when betrayal may occur, performed by someone with only the purest intentions.
On this there arose another question - what then are people like me that are almost incapable of betrayal ? Just plain egoists. Deep inside I, just like everyone else, only want to shine with bright light adored by everyone around me, and that makes me afraid of corrupting this light with acts of betrayal, shunned by others.
Well, altogether it's nothing really complicated or life-changing, just an interesting concept. At least it seemed so while I was riding on a tram.
If we talk about good people, for me there is no question that it comes down to that good people are the ones, who make the hard decisions between two evils and choose the lesser one. People who think that they are good just because they donate to the starving and are pro-life to me have always looked like naive children. Thus after some short thinking weather good people are capable of betrayal I concluded that they must be capable of betrayal. One can never foresee what the future brings and very often it is necessary for someone to suffer for the greater good. And sometimes it is necessary that someone carries that suffering through and that is when betrayal may occur, performed by someone with only the purest intentions.
On this there arose another question - what then are people like me that are almost incapable of betrayal ? Just plain egoists. Deep inside I, just like everyone else, only want to shine with bright light adored by everyone around me, and that makes me afraid of corrupting this light with acts of betrayal, shunned by others.
Well, altogether it's nothing really complicated or life-changing, just an interesting concept. At least it seemed so while I was riding on a tram.
23 April, 2011
Can't figure out how to cut down that damn summary. I managed to cut a little less than 1k words from it and I`m now down to 8 pages. The summary already looks kinda nonsensical, if I start cutting down even more I risk to loose all the little coherence that's left there.
I actually feel more retarded than usually for not being able to become even dumber. Consequently my self-esteem seems to be going down the drain.
I will probably just hand in what I have so far and if I will actually get it handed back to me with request to shorten it - I will just give up on it. I have already invested too much just to improve a grade in something that's an utter waste of time by itself. Sure my pride and sense of security are important, but not that important.
I actually feel more retarded than usually for not being able to become even dumber. Consequently my self-esteem seems to be going down the drain.
I will probably just hand in what I have so far and if I will actually get it handed back to me with request to shorten it - I will just give up on it. I have already invested too much just to improve a grade in something that's an utter waste of time by itself. Sure my pride and sense of security are important, but not that important.
Before I`m forced to cut it down just to be able to submit it, I would like to share my 10-page (4300+ symbols) report of Anne Rice's book The Vampire Lestat .
21 April, 2011
A reminder for myself regarding my plans for these holidays:
Doesn't look as bad whenput on paper neatly organized in a bulletin. 5 days should be enough time for 7 tasks.
- Finish reading the book. Write a summary about it.
- Do the semester task in grammar - summary of the 40 minute long presentation video
- Complete transcription and tonograms for phonetics exam.
- Do home tasks for the next week, of course.
- Review to+infinitive, gerunds, passive voice, sentence object, subject and prepositions and other stuff in grammar.
- Shouldn't forget to check out job advertisements now and then.
- Optional: spring cleaning for apartment.
Doesn't look as bad when
18 April, 2011
Day 1 in looking like an idiot

Here is the before and after stuff.

Had to put on the damn red filter because I had just shaven in the 'after' pics and my skin is just too damn sensitive. Because of my laziness I just left them black and white instead of doing extensive photoshopping.
Enjoy my narcissism.
FYI: I don't know the exact length in the before shots, but I have been growing them for 7 years. You can't see them fully, they were reaching up to lower half of my back.
16 April, 2011
415/496 pages done so far. Think I will finish reading and write my summary next week. Next week we are getting additional 2 free days due to the Easter bullshit and since I don't particularly care about it and actually have less of the so-called life then ever before, I will be able to take my time for studying.
While reading and looking up some words I remembered about all the specialization stuff for translators. At some point I should probably start expanding my vocabulary in some certain fields, but I`m not sure as to what to choose. It would be the easiest to choose something I`m interested in, but there probably isn't that big of a market in psychology. I know that there is a huge market in the law stuff, but there is also a ton of specialists that are already concentrating on it. A good alternative, especially if I do learn Swedish, would be building and architecture maybe, though I`m not particularly interested in that, in fact I would probably find it extremely boring. Then again I don't expect the translator job to become an exciting adventure for me. Well, at least I still have time to think about that, not that anyone would expect from a first or second course student to be specialized in any field at all.
Probably getting a haircut on Monday. Reason why I`m currently in an agonizing pain - I will have to spend money to get to Jekabpils, I will have to pay for a new haircut, I will probably have to spend money to get back and I will have to repeat this crap every month just to keep my short, detestable, obnoxious, uncomfortable hair maintained to look somewhat decent.
I should probably make an before-after shot. And maybe decide on how short I want to cut them actually...
The picture included is from me back when I was still a young, radiant boy with semi-short hair...not the current old, gaunt, hairy me that I am now.
Probably getting a haircut on Monday. Reason why I`m currently in an agonizing pain - I will have to spend money to get to Jekabpils, I will have to pay for a new haircut, I will probably have to spend money to get back and I will have to repeat this crap every month just to keep my short, detestable, obnoxious, uncomfortable hair maintained to look somewhat decent.
I should probably make an before-after shot. And maybe decide on how short I want to cut them actually...
The picture included is from me back when I was still a young, radiant boy with semi-short hair...not the current old, gaunt, hairy me that I am now.
15 April, 2011
Was arguing today with a college colleague about the methods used to teach us some of the stuff. She was referencing to another college where people had to sit for more than an hour and just constantly write down stuff dictated to them in English, which was later on evaluated e.t.c. Seems like her main argument was that that's a way how to get people motivated to learn proper spelling. But come on. If you can't find the motivation to do it by yourself, neither will you find it if pushed to write such stuff down. Besides, it doesn't teach a crap. In fact I believe (from my own experience as well) that it can even damage ones spelling, because in a task like that you don't have the time to look up on how to properly spell a word and as a result your first experience written in your memory with that word is how you wrote it wrong. Human brain doesn't really work like a hard drive and we can't erase memories so it will stay there, in our memory, forever and will continue confusing us in the future.
Also there is no real meaning behind knowing how to spell words if you don't know how to use them or what they actually mean. It's especially useless for a translator, because in his work he can always use dictionaries when working with written text, but dictionaries or knowing how words are spelled by heart won't help him to actually work with the text, how to find the most appropriate translation and not misunderstand idioms etc.
Well, this way of thinking is an artefact of USSR education system, there is no surprise that there are people thinking that way in Latvia. It's odd to find such people among those of my own generation however.
Just getting stuff out of my head here, because I can't really confront her directly with my arguments. She seemed quite upset and displeased with my attitude towards it when she mentioned it, lol.
Also there is no real meaning behind knowing how to spell words if you don't know how to use them or what they actually mean. It's especially useless for a translator, because in his work he can always use dictionaries when working with written text, but dictionaries or knowing how words are spelled by heart won't help him to actually work with the text, how to find the most appropriate translation and not misunderstand idioms etc.
Well, this way of thinking is an artefact of USSR education system, there is no surprise that there are people thinking that way in Latvia. It's odd to find such people among those of my own generation however.
Just getting stuff out of my head here, because I can't really confront her directly with my arguments. She seemed quite upset and displeased with my attitude towards it when she mentioned it, lol.
14 April, 2011
Great fucking day
Great fucking day. Started off by oversleeping because I completely forgot to reset my alarm clock as we had some changes in our schedule. After waking up and remembering it I also remembered that I completely forgot to wrote the damn essay. While getting ready noticed that my hair is damn greasy as I forgot that I wanted to get up actually even earlier today to have my time to wash it.
Anyhow, with such great start of the day I was off to tram and since then I have had an odd feeling in my stomach all day. Nothing serious, just plain uncomfortable. Well, at least the most part of my day was quite peaceful and nothing happened, except that I once again had something remind me, that I`m forgetting to keep my distance from people. Don't think that adding even more people that hate me for just being who I am, would benefit me in any way. Fucking distances, how do they work?
Still no call for a job interview I was waiting for. Will consider it a lost cause. Oh well.
And least I slept well last night (whole amazing 9 hours) so I can keep going for another week without serious sleep. Will give me the time to finish my essay and do the analysis homework this evening.
Getting my bills tomorrow. I really hope the number will be under 40.
Update: Btw, I was probably not the only one who had a bad day. While I was on the way to college on the tram I saw a dead dove being eaten by 2 gulls, a guy with his cheek covered in blood walking out of his house, an old man waiting for a tram sitting by a funeral crown, several police cars patrolling the city e.t.c.
Anyhow, with such great start of the day I was off to tram and since then I have had an odd feeling in my stomach all day. Nothing serious, just plain uncomfortable. Well, at least the most part of my day was quite peaceful and nothing happened, except that I once again had something remind me, that I`m forgetting to keep my distance from people. Don't think that adding even more people that hate me for just being who I am, would benefit me in any way. Fucking distances, how do they work?
Still no call for a job interview I was waiting for. Will consider it a lost cause. Oh well.
And least I slept well last night (whole amazing 9 hours) so I can keep going for another week without serious sleep. Will give me the time to finish my essay and do the analysis homework this evening.
Getting my bills tomorrow. I really hope the number will be under 40.
Update: Btw, I was probably not the only one who had a bad day. While I was on the way to college on the tram I saw a dead dove being eaten by 2 gulls, a guy with his cheek covered in blood walking out of his house, an old man waiting for a tram sitting by a funeral crown, several police cars patrolling the city e.t.c.
11 April, 2011
Still can't find a job. I`m not even sure what I could be fit for, which I could combine with studies. Well, there are things I know I should be able to do, but most of employers there require that you have experience.
Still have nothing new to add to my CV. I really want to get a drivers license, but that requires money and a lot of free time. None of which I actually have. Not even mentioning the lack of motivation...or that I most probably won't end up using it. Anyway, slowly I`m considering taking up even a miserable telemarketing job with non-existent salary just so that I would have a proof that I was doing something and know how to work with customers. Unfortunately at my current position even that seems like a far-fetched dream.
All I can do is to hold on...
Still have nothing new to add to my CV. I really want to get a drivers license, but that requires money and a lot of free time. None of which I actually have. Not even mentioning the lack of motivation...or that I most probably won't end up using it. Anyway, slowly I`m considering taking up even a miserable telemarketing job with non-existent salary just so that I would have a proof that I was doing something and know how to work with customers. Unfortunately at my current position even that seems like a far-fetched dream.
All I can do is to hold on...
07 April, 2011

I so would like to hand them back in, improved and with another ~5 pages of text on top, but such intellectual levels at which it would be possible are unattainable to me. Will just have have to deal with it. Fuck.
That's some messed up luck, seriously. That is if I would believe in luck in that sense.
Every time I start looking for a job I manage to find 2-3 perfect for me vacancies I`m late for, then I find maybe 1 that I could take up on but eventually I don't end up getting and then...well...nothing.
Same story this time over as well. At least I find some stuff I could apply for if I didn't have to take my college into account. However I can bet that once this semester will be over I won't be able to find anything like that too. I`m not entirely sure if I should switch to absentee in case I won't be able to find a job.
But oh well, whatever, I should see if I will be able to even live for that long. Stuff happens.
Every time I start looking for a job I manage to find 2-3 perfect for me vacancies I`m late for, then I find maybe 1 that I could take up on but eventually I don't end up getting and then...well...nothing.
Same story this time over as well. At least I find some stuff I could apply for if I didn't have to take my college into account. However I can bet that once this semester will be over I won't be able to find anything like that too. I`m not entirely sure if I should switch to absentee in case I won't be able to find a job.
But oh well, whatever, I should see if I will be able to even live for that long. Stuff happens.
06 April, 2011
Let's see...I missed out one lecture, but it doesn't look like it will be that big of a loss after all.
A quick summary for myself:
Deductive argument
A Deductive Argument is a form of argument where the conclusion logically follows from the given premises. If the premises in a deductive argument are true and strongly support the conclusion, then the conclusion of the argument must also be logically true. It basically has three parts: 1) the major premise, 2) the minor premise, and 3) the conclusion.
Jim likes either Coke or Pepsi.
Jim does not like Pepsi.
So, Jim likes Coke.
(more here)
Inductive argument
An Inductive Argument is a form of argument where the premises support the probability or likelihood of the conclusion. Regardless of the number of premises, the strength of the conclusion in aninductive argument depends on the strength of the individual premises that support it.
Therefore these is another planet outside Uranus.
I can't get online from my computer.
A quick summary for myself:
Deductive argument
A Deductive Argument is a form of argument where the conclusion logically follows from the given premises. If the premises in a deductive argument are true and strongly support the conclusion, then the conclusion of the argument must also be logically true. It basically has three parts: 1) the major premise, 2) the minor premise, and 3) the conclusion.
Jim likes either Coke or Pepsi.
Jim does not like Pepsi.
So, Jim likes Coke.
(more here)
Inductive argument
An Inductive Argument is a form of argument where the premises support the probability or likelihood of the conclusion. Regardless of the number of premises, the strength of the conclusion in aninductive argument depends on the strength of the individual premises that support it.
Generalizations from a sample to a universal claim.
Every emerald examined has been green
Therefore all emeralds are green
Abductive argument
In my own words - it's the combination of Inductive and Deductive argument where best possible assumptions are made from from the existing premises. Couldn't find a better explanation anywhere.
If there were another planet outside Uranus, that would explain its course.I can't get online from my computer.
There's nothing wrong with my hardware or software.
So, the University network must be down.
(more on it all here, here and here)
Now, just to figure out how write an essay using these (which is really not hard) and I`m set.
Tomorrow is going to be an relatively easy day and I have all the damn homework done already, so guess I will take it easy and rest a bit. Though I might decide to read the damn book (for the damn summary I`m supposed to write) a bit later just so that I don't regret wasting my time for nothing.
So, the University network must be down.
(more on it all here, here and here)
Now, just to figure out how write an essay using these (which is really not hard) and I`m set.
Tomorrow is going to be an relatively easy day and I have all the damn homework done already, so guess I will take it easy and rest a bit. Though I might decide to read the damn book (for the damn summary I`m supposed to write) a bit later just so that I don't regret wasting my time for nothing.
05 April, 2011
I really really really suck at passives. Getting only 30% on this test.
Damn, spent the whole goddamn weekend on doing most of the homework for the week and still I don't have the time to rest.
This evening I will be busy with training/studying my passives, reading theory theory for Reading Comprehension and transcribing the homework part for exam in phonetics. Actually sounds like I will end up with a lazy all-nighter.
Oh well.
Damn, spent the whole goddamn weekend on doing most of the homework for the week and still I don't have the time to rest.
This evening I will be busy with training/studying my passives, reading theory theory for Reading Comprehension and transcribing the homework part for exam in phonetics. Actually sounds like I will end up with a lazy all-nighter.
Oh well.
02 April, 2011
Just suddenly felt like writing a quick report
Here it goes.
Returning to my last Friday's post - I did miraculously manage to do all my homeworks, which means that I finally caught up to my studies and can continue planning for additional stuff. Unfortunately we still are getting a little flooded with homework, so there is not that much additional stuff I will have the time to do.
What I`m doing today is finally reading. To be more exact I`m reading Anna Rice's second book in her vampire franchise (see explanation of the word here) called The Vampire Lestat. Of course I`m doing it only for the summary I ought to write, but it's actually a little bit more. I have actually wanted to read the damn book for several years already. Now that I`m finally at it, it's vivid imagery of turning grotesque, suffering, pain and filth into something outwordly beautiful is bringing me back to the summers that I spent adoring goths and the philosophy behind it all. I even built a playlist to play in the background while reading it. Not to mention that craving to watch Queen of the Damned again.
What more deserves my mentioning is the new series Camelot that's most definitely going to gather some popularity, even though Jamie Campbell Bower might have been a bad choice for the role of King Arthur, in my opinion. What personally I find particularly good about it is, firstly, that it's actually so much deeper than series these days usually are, it certainly has some characteristics of a good literary work rather than a tv-show. And secondly the way Merlin is portrayed there is particularly appealing to me as I feel like I could actually learn something new from him about manipulating people.
Today I felt especially posh so instead of having one meal of fried potatoes with spice and tomato sauce at 19:00 I decided to have 2 meals of rice fried together with some onion, paprika and canned meat at 15:30 and 22:00 . Oh the luxurious life of a student living off his parents.
Returning to my last Friday's post - I did miraculously manage to do all my homeworks, which means that I finally caught up to my studies and can continue planning for additional stuff. Unfortunately we still are getting a little flooded with homework, so there is not that much additional stuff I will have the time to do.
What I`m doing today is finally reading. To be more exact I`m reading Anna Rice's second book in her vampire franchise (see explanation of the word here) called The Vampire Lestat. Of course I`m doing it only for the summary I ought to write, but it's actually a little bit more. I have actually wanted to read the damn book for several years already. Now that I`m finally at it, it's vivid imagery of turning grotesque, suffering, pain and filth into something outwordly beautiful is bringing me back to the summers that I spent adoring goths and the philosophy behind it all. I even built a playlist to play in the background while reading it. Not to mention that craving to watch Queen of the Damned again.
What more deserves my mentioning is the new series Camelot that's most definitely going to gather some popularity, even though Jamie Campbell Bower might have been a bad choice for the role of King Arthur, in my opinion. What personally I find particularly good about it is, firstly, that it's actually so much deeper than series these days usually are, it certainly has some characteristics of a good literary work rather than a tv-show. And secondly the way Merlin is portrayed there is particularly appealing to me as I feel like I could actually learn something new from him about manipulating people.
Today I felt especially posh so instead of having one meal of fried potatoes with spice and tomato sauce at 19:00 I decided to have 2 meals of rice fried together with some onion, paprika and canned meat at 15:30 and 22:00 . Oh the luxurious life of a student living off his parents.
01 April, 2011
Feels so goddamn wrong. Took yesterday free and instead was working at home on my essays that took like forever for me to finish. And now it's almost 6am, I haven't slept the whole damn night and I still haven't finished all my homework fortomorrow today and I`m not sure I will actually manage to 100% do it all. Additionally I`m also completely neglecting some of the semester works that one of our lecturer gave us. Where the hell does the frigging time go? How do I get it back? And how the goddamn hell am I expected to do all this if I did had a job? Well, actually better question would be how the hell they expect to keep me in college by piling up all these works on us, if I did have a job?
Would hate for my attendency to suffer even more.
Feels so goddamn wrong. Took yesterday free and instead was working at home on my essays that took like forever for me to finish. And now it's almost 6am, I haven't slept the whole damn night and I still haven't finished all my homework for
Would hate for my attendency to suffer even more.
27 March, 2011
Just now finished watching Limitless; throwing out some of my frustration.
I really wasn't pleased how they handled all the *suddenly a genius* thing. The guy gets smart, gets his brain working, has access to limitless concentration and every little piece of memory stuck in his subconsciousness. He can think clearly, straight and organized. And what does he do? Goes around shopping, having fun at parties, kissing, fucking and kissing some more...and then being flashy in everything he does. I mean seriously, if it were me my first thoughts would have been "my supplies are limited and I don't know the hell is in there, I need to ensure it's not going to kill me and then guarantee that I will never run out of it" after which I would proceed to build up my power and influence as stealthy as possible and become the force ruling the world from the shadows. A president? That's like coloring yourself in red before running out on battlefield.
Well, the movie itself wasn't all THAT bad, but I wouldn't go around recommending it to people. Even though the ending was kind of a surprise to me, I was awaiting something more dramatic with some morale in it, but oh well, whatever.
I really wasn't pleased how they handled all the *suddenly a genius* thing. The guy gets smart, gets his brain working, has access to limitless concentration and every little piece of memory stuck in his subconsciousness. He can think clearly, straight and organized. And what does he do? Goes around shopping, having fun at parties, kissing, fucking and kissing some more...and then being flashy in everything he does. I mean seriously, if it were me my first thoughts would have been "my supplies are limited and I don't know the hell is in there, I need to ensure it's not going to kill me and then guarantee that I will never run out of it" after which I would proceed to build up my power and influence as stealthy as possible and become the force ruling the world from the shadows. A president? That's like coloring yourself in red before running out on battlefield.
Well, the movie itself wasn't all THAT bad, but I wouldn't go around recommending it to people. Even though the ending was kind of a surprise to me, I was awaiting something more dramatic with some morale in it, but oh well, whatever.
23 March, 2011
It doesn't look like I have much time left atm, but let's what can I squeeze out.
So I had this plan to browse some web and look up additional information for phonetics (the course at which I`m afraid that I might fail) and grammar. Since grammar is not as pressing on me, it's on hold for now and I`m working on phonetics. Will be writing this post as I go.
First I need to learn to make the damn difference between some vowel sounds, especially e,ə and ɜ:. Hopefully listening and repeating a record of those sounds will help me out some. The same page also offers useful additional information worth reading, btw.
After that I`m proceeding with listening to some select words that have their phonetic transcriptions written in front of me. I need something more elaborate but since I`m short on time it will have to do for now. (god, those damn transcriptions look so Russian when you are trying to read them so I actually read them as if it were Cyrillic).
Next. Tests and exercises: 1 - 6 out of 10 (frigging good start) ; 2 - 66.7% ; 3 - 100% ; 4 - 100% ; 5 - 63% ; 6 - 100% ; 7 - amazing 17% ; 8 - 100% ; 9 - 90% ; 10 - 90%
Some more additional information about schwa.
Ohshi- turns out that the word 'lamb' has /b/ muted in it ! ( [læm] )
Ok, anyway, my brain can't keep up anymore, so I will just leave this, this and this here, take a short pause and continue with studying for todays Reading Comprehension test.
So I had this plan to browse some web and look up additional information for phonetics (the course at which I`m afraid that I might fail) and grammar. Since grammar is not as pressing on me, it's on hold for now and I`m working on phonetics. Will be writing this post as I go.
First I need to learn to make the damn difference between some vowel sounds, especially e,ə and ɜ:. Hopefully listening and repeating a record of those sounds will help me out some. The same page also offers useful additional information worth reading, btw.
After that I`m proceeding with listening to some select words that have their phonetic transcriptions written in front of me. I need something more elaborate but since I`m short on time it will have to do for now. (god, those damn transcriptions look so Russian when you are trying to read them so I actually read them as if it were Cyrillic).
Next. Tests and exercises: 1 - 6 out of 10 (frigging good start) ; 2 - 66.7% ; 3 - 100% ; 4 - 100% ; 5 - 63% ; 6 - 100% ; 7 - amazing 17% ; 8 - 100% ; 9 - 90% ; 10 - 90%
Some more additional information about schwa.
Ohshi- turns out that the word 'lamb' has /b/ muted in it ! ( [læm] )
Ok, anyway, my brain can't keep up anymore, so I will just leave this, this and this here, take a short pause and continue with studying for todays Reading Comprehension test.
22 March, 2011
16 March, 2011
My brain is finally online.
So after 3 days of massive head-ache and impaired ability to speak I am finally getting a bit better. Still sick though. While my body temperature has dropped a bit and I`m finally able to move around without the fear that I will just fall unconscious from the massive head-ache caused by any kind of sudden body-movement, I still prefer sitting at computer under blanket because as soon as I start moving I get constant cough. Can't imagine going out of my house with that to spread the virus.
Luckily the timing for Dragon Age II to come out was spot-on and the past few days I had something to do that was entertaining enough to keep my mind off and didn't require any brain activity at all. But now that I have finished it and am feeling a bit better, I`m starting to get the urge to study. Just haven't decided yet what to start with. In any case - that's still for later.
Damn cough, forcing my headache to come back and making me feel like I will soon cough-out my intestines.
Luckily the timing for Dragon Age II to come out was spot-on and the past few days I had something to do that was entertaining enough to keep my mind off and didn't require any brain activity at all. But now that I have finished it and am feeling a bit better, I`m starting to get the urge to study. Just haven't decided yet what to start with. In any case - that's still for later.
Damn cough, forcing my headache to come back and making me feel like I will soon cough-out my intestines.
10 March, 2011
At the most awesome time I finally got sick.
While I`m still going to break my body a bit because I don't want to give in and give up some of the plans I made, it's pretty much it for my independent studies.
Actually I did want to try attending lectures too today but somehow I overslept for 2 hours and felt like shit, so I decided to skip them after all. The idea wasn't really sane of me anyway.
09 March, 2011
Time time time
There is not enough time for anything. And my goddamn body requires too much sleep.
Yesterday I had planned to study some grammar on my own, but unfortunately I ran out of time and got way too sleepy to do it. Same with phonetics. Doubtfully I will have any time left this evening too since tomorrow is planned out to be extra busy for me and consequently will require some preparation.
It's kinda stupid that aside from studies I really want to play one or two sequels to games this spring, refresh my German and study Swedish...and probably start looking for a job too. God, I will never be able to do it all.
Thinking about adding downloading and watching BBC documentary about Britain's history to the list too.
And this is how a post in which I previously planned to add some new study materials turns into a pile of complaints.
Yesterday I had planned to study some grammar on my own, but unfortunately I ran out of time and got way too sleepy to do it. Same with phonetics. Doubtfully I will have any time left this evening too since tomorrow is planned out to be extra busy for me and consequently will require some preparation.
It's kinda stupid that aside from studies I really want to play one or two sequels to games this spring, refresh my German and study Swedish...and probably start looking for a job too. God, I will never be able to do it all.
Thinking about adding downloading and watching BBC documentary about Britain's history to the list too.
And this is how a post in which I previously planned to add some new study materials turns into a pile of complaints.
07 March, 2011
Just noting that after several hours of trying out and adjusting different blog templates I finally stopped at one named The Journalist by Lucian E. Marin that I found suitable for all my needs and well enough organized. However there still are some issues with fonts and font sizes I haven't attended yet , probably will do it later or some other day.
My blog statistics are going to look funny again thanks to checking how do the changes I made look like every 5 seconds.
My blog statistics are going to look funny again thanks to checking how do the changes I made look like every 5 seconds.
04 March, 2011
I have come to conclusion, that I should start moving forward what concerns my pronunciation and speech. Playing MMORPG and pushing myself to use mic did help me immensely as I`m using English now much more relaxed. However the problem of pronouncing certain words incorrectly still persists, I have heard people commenting that I constantly use funny pronunciations when talking. It probably stems in that I have known English in written form for several years before I actually started talking in it (usually it's the other way around for today's youth who learn English from songs). In any case, I`m not really sure how to go about it yet without a tutor. Hopefully I will manage to find some audio recordings + transcriptions of some more difficult words in English that I could then repeat 160 times aloud till it burns into my subconsciousness... I might learn to tell the difference between then vowel sounds that I`m pronouncing as well while I`m at it.
...every time my parents call (mother just called) makes me wonder if there is actually any point in trying so hard because their financial situation doesn't look that good.....knew I shouldn't put all my trust in them helping me out just because they were so sure. Now I don't even have a safety net to fall in...
...every time my parents call (mother just called) makes me wonder if there is actually any point in trying so hard because their financial situation doesn't look that good.....knew I shouldn't put all my trust in them helping me out just because they were so sure. Now I don't even have a safety net to fall in...
02 March, 2011
I had beautiful things planned that I wanted to do, e.g. find additional materials for phonetics.
But today I overslept.
Something like that hasn't happened for a while and I have completely forgotten about the amount of willpower that is required to go to college lectures completely unprepared. I have no idea how some people are able to do that constantly... ok, actually I do understand their way of thinking, I just do not accept that.
Still reminds me that I need a job. Goddamn world never working out the way I want it to.
But today I overslept.
Something like that hasn't happened for a while and I have completely forgotten about the amount of willpower that is required to go to college lectures completely unprepared. I have no idea how some people are able to do that constantly... ok, actually I do understand their way of thinking, I just do not accept that.
Still reminds me that I need a job. Goddamn world never working out the way I want it to.
27 February, 2011
22 words looked up, definitions read, copied and pasted. Mostly I somewhat knew their meaning and how they are used, just wanted to get some in-depth knowledge on definitions. I placed the list with definitions under the cut.
While I`m at it, I could put up a reminder on this list of 100 most beautiful words in English .
While I`m at it, I could put up a reminder on this list of 100 most beautiful words in English .
25 February, 2011
How to stand when giving a presentation
Accidently stumbled upon this. It's not that I care much on how to give a proper presentation, it's that knowing how to do it helps to deal with your anxiety/nervousness.
24 February, 2011
Don't really want to save this to my bookmarks, so will put up a reminder here that in case if I need some reference on proper quoting and referencing I can take a look this page.
Also another reminder that I should finally get rid of this list of words to check in dictionary, so, if I will find some time this evening (which is actually unlikely), I will hopefully post the results in blog.
And 2 quick sidenotes: 1) bought an executive clipboard 2) My perspectives for the future are slowly turning to sh*t.
Also another reminder that I should finally get rid of this list of words to check in dictionary, so, if I will find some time this evening (which is actually unlikely), I will hopefully post the results in blog.
And 2 quick sidenotes: 1) bought an executive clipboard 2) My perspectives for the future are slowly turning to sh*t.
22 February, 2011
A very childish looking (just like everything that's related to basics in English) but still useful presentation about possessive nouns can be viewed here. Helps to clear things up.
Why do I feel dumber even though I just learned something new?
Why do I feel dumber even though I just learned something new?
21 February, 2011
But now - sleep
FYI: Angel Beats
15 February, 2011
Going over to susan's house
First I think it's important to note, that our course has been given an assignment to keep a journal of our activities. Purely to practice our use of English language even at home. Personally I don't think that I have it necessary since, being a non-lifer, I most of my time is consumed by the internet and I`m mainly communicating only in English there. But nonetheless an assignment is an assignment and from now on I will try to spam my blog a bit more often.
Now to the important stuff.
Reading through "Modern German Grammar" on my free time I have come to conclusion that I have forgotten the damn language way more than I could have imagined, but at least it's coming back to me fast. I only wish I had more willpower to keep reading that stuff.
The new study semester doesn't seem to have started very optimistically. The main issue are our two grammar courses, both of which, as it seems, have the same program but different lecturers just slightly different names. Frigging ridiculous, but have no other choice than to bear with it and do the usual - the best that I am able to.
Related: download Longman Advanced Learner's Grammar here and Cambridge Advanced Grammar in Use here...
Also, just finished up a home assignment for lexicology (no idea why I uploaded it) and grammar, currently taking a break but still have some stuff to do planned since aside from doing my home-work I need to refresh my memory on some stuff (like passive and infinity in grammar), study a bit ahead (gerunds in grammar) and maybe find some additional literature for phonetics.Doubtfully Hopefully I will manage to do all that by today too.
Update: the Advanced Grammar in Use torrent seems to be semi-dead but while searching for other sources I found this torrent . Quite useful too, just have to yet go through the whole damn list.
Now to the important stuff.
Reading through "Modern German Grammar" on my free time I have come to conclusion that I have forgotten the damn language way more than I could have imagined, but at least it's coming back to me fast. I only wish I had more willpower to keep reading that stuff.
The new study semester doesn't seem to have started very optimistically. The main issue are our two grammar courses, both of which, as it seems, have the same program but different lecturers just slightly different names. Frigging ridiculous, but have no other choice than to bear with it and do the usual - the best that I am able to.
Related: download Longman Advanced Learner's Grammar here and Cambridge Advanced Grammar in Use here...
Also, just finished up a home assignment for lexicology (no idea why I uploaded it) and grammar, currently taking a break but still have some stuff to do planned since aside from doing my home-work I need to refresh my memory on some stuff (like passive and infinity in grammar), study a bit ahead (gerunds in grammar) and maybe find some additional literature for phonetics.
Update: the Advanced Grammar in Use torrent seems to be semi-dead but while searching for other sources I found this torrent . Quite useful too, just have to yet go through the whole damn list.
23 January, 2011
Accidentally stumbled upon this torrent of a book collection .
Quite a find.
I don't really believe that there ever was a DVD with all this or that anyone scanned all of them by hand, so have to wonder how did it all ended up there. First guess would be that someone hacked their database or smth.
Also, I`m lately very distanced from anything and trying to hide myself in online games. /emo mode on/ The goddamn bills are getting me depressed, even more so because it's not actually my own money I pay them with. Also thanks to that I don't have as much money for provisions and thus I end up saving on food and have to deal with a bad diet. But oh well, it will all pass with time...if not, then the worst that could happen is that I could die and I bet at that moment I shouldn't sound as doesn't for me even now. /emo mode off/
Quite a find.
I don't really believe that there ever was a DVD with all this or that anyone scanned all of them by hand, so have to wonder how did it all ended up there. First guess would be that someone hacked their database or smth.
Also, I`m lately very distanced from anything and trying to hide myself in online games. /emo mode on/ The goddamn bills are getting me depressed, even more so because it's not actually my own money I pay them with. Also thanks to that I don't have as much money for provisions and thus I end up saving on food and have to deal with a bad diet. But oh well, it will all pass with time...if not, then the worst that could happen is that I could die and I bet at that moment I shouldn't sound as doesn't for me even now. /emo mode off/
20 January, 2011
Atm trying to break away from making a break. Still have the plan to polish my German and, maybe, Russian language and then move on and start learning Swedish. It's just that my diet is still making me quite depressed which doesn't help with pushing myself to work, but oh well.
Meanwhile, I downloaded Trados. I have absolutely no idea how the hell I am supposed to use it and I`m feeling like using a Photoshop or AutoCAD for the first time in my life. But at least I did manage to find an answer as to why the hell I would like to use something that time-consuming and inconveniet. Hopefully this pain in the butt will pay off and help me in the future to find a new job. Atm I`m using the trial version of it, didn't really want to go all pirate on it right away.
Going to visit Jekabpils for a few days, probably at Friday or Saturday. Should remember to find and print-out some materials to study from while I`m there. Oh life without any friends or...well...without any life, thank god you leave so much time for me to get bored and start studying.
Meanwhile, I downloaded Trados. I have absolutely no idea how the hell I am supposed to use it and I`m feeling like using a Photoshop or AutoCAD for the first time in my life. But at least I did manage to find an answer as to why the hell I would like to use something that time-consuming and inconveniet. Hopefully this pain in the butt will pay off and help me in the future to find a new job. Atm I`m using the trial version of it, didn't really want to go all pirate on it right away.
Going to visit Jekabpils for a few days, probably at Friday or Saturday. Should remember to find and print-out some materials to study from while I`m there. Oh life without any friends or...well...without any life, thank god you leave so much time for me to get bored and start studying.
14 January, 2011
13 January, 2011
Reporting that so far my examination period has been going somewhat well. Not all marks have been announced yet, but I`m quite confident that I have passed everything I wrote so that confident on how good those marks are going to be.
Anyhow, only 2 more exams left and the last one, on 18th January is the one that makes me worried the most. Phonetics. I just don't get that damn [trænˈskrɪpʃn̩]
P.S. Frigging showoff !
Anyhow, only 2 more exams left and the last one, on 18th January is the one that makes me worried the most. Phonetics. I just don't get that damn [trænˈskrɪpʃn̩]
P.S. Frigging showoff !
04 January, 2011
Prāta Vētra - Gara Gara Diena
Ok, so today marks the start of my examination period. Let's hope I`m not fcked.
The first exam is in Latvian. Document created for the purpose of preparations attached under the cut.
sidenote: haven't slept for 2 nights, lol.
The first exam is in Latvian. Document created for the purpose of preparations attached under the cut.
sidenote: haven't slept for 2 nights, lol.
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