20 August, 2011

My job intro is finally over, that is, the official training part is finally finished and on Monday I will start picking up calls. My test results weren't all that bad, so obviously I do have all the necessary knowledge, I just hope I will manage to use it as well. Not everyone can multi-task at a level that requires you to simultaneously: talk (in foreign language included), solve problems, work with computer and lead a conversation being as polite and professional as humanly possible. And even if I do manage that, there is also the question of combining my work with studies.
I`m not complaining, I`m just being realistic and those won't be easy few months ahead of me.


In other news, today I have a day off and my ex-girlfriend promised to come over (in exchange for some pancakes, lol). A change of scenery in my everyday life won't hurt me at the moment.

Also: I need a goddamn washing machine, how do I get to one for free?

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