07 March, 2011

25 more words with definitions under the cut. Goes to show how little I know and how much I still have to learn.

Bashful bashfulness - the quality or property of being bashful; shyness; reserve; timidity
Obscene lewd: suggestive of or tending to moral looseness
Concubine - concubinage is the state of a woman in an ongoing, usually matrimonially-oriented relationship with a man who cannot be married to her, often because of a difference in social status
Persecution - the systematic mistreatment of an individual or group by another group. The most common forms are religious persecution, ethnic persecution, and political persecution, though there is naturally some overlap between these terms
Conceited - characteristic of false pride; having an exaggerated sense of self-importance
Profusely - in great quantity or abundance; in a profuse manner
Reluctant - not wanting to take some action; hesitant; uncertain
Wheeze - a continuous, coarse, whistling sound produced in the respiratory airways during breathing. For wheezes to occur, some part of the respiratory tree must be narrowed or obstructed, or airflow velocity within the respiratory tree must be heightened
Mnemonic - of or relating to or involved the practice of aiding the memory
Demeanor - a person's bearing ,or behavior towards others.
Eloquent - eloquence (from Latin eloquentia) is fluent, forcible, elegant or persuasive speaking in public. It is primarily the power of expressing strong emotions in striking and appropriate language, thereby producing conviction or persuasion. The term is also used for writing in a fluent style
Infatuation - a foolish and usually extravagant passion or love or admiration
Heed - pay close attention to; give heed to
Grievance - a wrong or hardship suffered, which is the grounds of a complaint
Consent - the provision of approval or assent, particularly and especially after thoughtful consideration
Staggering - astonishing: so surprisingly impressive as to stun or overwhelm
Replete - abounding; filled to the point of bursting
Petit - small; minor; little
Exemption - immunity from an obligation or duty
Felled - past for of felling - The process of cutting down standing trees ; colloquially used as slaying, 'knocking down' of a man
Jab - a quick stab or blow; a short straight punch; A medical injection; In American English, the word jab is also used when someone is bothering someone else, what is commonly known as verbal jabs
Concisely conciseness - terseness and economy in writing and speaking achieved by expressing a great deal in just a few words
Tardy - a piece of paper given to students who are late to class; late; overdue or delayed; ineffectual; slow witted, slow to act, or dullard
Pragmatist - a person who takes a practical approach to problems and is concerned primarily with the success or failure of her actions
Converge - of two or more entities, to approach each other; to get closer and closer; of a sequence, to have a limit; of an iterative process, to reach a stable end point

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