27 April, 2011


On a bit more personal and deeper note, I was thinking a little about good/bad people and betrayal.
If we talk about good people, for me there is no question that it comes down to that good people are the ones, who make the hard decisions between two evils and choose the lesser one. People who think that they are good just because they donate to the starving and are pro-life to me have always looked like naive children. Thus after some short thinking weather good people are capable of betrayal I concluded that they must be capable of betrayal. One can never foresee what the future brings and very often it is necessary for someone to suffer for the greater good. And sometimes it is necessary that someone carries that suffering through and that is when betrayal may occur, performed by someone with only the purest intentions.
On this there arose another question - what then are people like me that are almost incapable of betrayal ? Just plain egoists. Deep inside I, just like everyone else, only want to shine with bright light adored by everyone around me, and that makes me afraid of corrupting this light with acts of betrayal, shunned by others.

Well, altogether it's nothing really complicated or life-changing, just an interesting concept. At least it seemed so while I was riding on a tram.

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