Things to note:
- I have started drinking tea with milk. Well, I usually don't have milk laying around and if I do - its old, so I substitute my milk with milk powder. Good enough for tea, it's the taste you want anyway, not the fat.
- Watched Gantz Live Action movies 1 and 2. Not shit-tier, but I`m quite sure nobody, who doesn't already know Gantz, would enjoy it. And even then the story has been changed quite dramatically due to lack of screen-time and budget.
- I installed aNTP (can't ever remember its full name without looking it up) on my
google chrome. Looks interesting and will try it out for a while. Sadly, I`m no designer and thus it looks tasteless, but I hope my damn sweetheart will be able to fix that.
- I really need to start saving up some money, thus I really need to stop spending so much money. I`m afraid, however, they I will need every last penny I have soon, since I`m unsure weather I will be allowed to keep renting my current apartment. And the prices on apartments have kind of skyrocketed. Hopefully everything will come out better than expected.
- Last few days I feel like my brain has been working with 40% or less efficiency. Well, I don't really need more than 10% to get along, but still it does come with some negative effects. One of which is me getting increasingly more extroverted due to increased anxiety about future. People get to know parts and bits of me, when I get extroverted. People don't really like me. I need to find a way to stop doing it and just shut up.
- I somehow decided I could start learning Japanese by frequenting on 2chan. I`m somehow still procrastinating.
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