28 January, 2013

Quite some time ago I read something in one of my favorite manga Gantz. To cut short, it was how aliens defended their right to dominate and exterminate humans - because they deserve, because they are more worthy and humans did nothing to have their freedom. Supposedly humans take their freedom for granted and that's not a reason enough to have their freedom.
I didn't think much of it at the time, but slowly it began to resonate in my head. To a point I actually agree with that. What have some of us actually done to deserve any of their freedoms? Why can't someone be a slave, if he does not desire to fight against it?
Of course, I understand all the rational reasons behind it, I understand how deviant and complicated society would become if that were the case. I would never go all Hitler on the society. Yet, I don't feel the way. Maybe it's because I have never been a slave to anybody. Maybe I just have had my dose of ignorant people and elements of society that have no value whatsoever. Maybe there is something else I just don't understand.

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