Beautiful people start turning ugly and ugly people get even uglier.To most people it's clear as sky, why beautiful people turn ugly as you get to know them, however at the same time most people like to hold to the opinion that ugly people are mostly beautiful on the inside as they don't get tainted by the shallowness in this world. Well...that's wrong.
The dumb thing is that our society by itself is quite ugly. Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately, it's debatable) people that look good tend to have it all in their lives easier, while ugly people get the short end of the stick. While beauties can concentrate on whatever they do, deal only with the consequences of their own choices and overall live a normal life full with affection, love and attention, the ugly people, additionally to all that, have to deal with the society and its shortcomings and its shallowness. It really might not sound as much, but when you deal with it every day of your life, it does grow a certain bitterness and hatred on you and the question is - how you deal with it. Unfortunately most people deal with ir poorly, thus most ugly people are actually shallow and primitive as well which sadly makes a lesser human beings out of them. I mean, if they don't dealt with constant rejection correctly, offering a self sacrifice, they usually end up bitter and full with inner, biased hatred which culminates in kind of repulsive characteristic traits of theirs. In primitive words - bitches and douches.
I am not saying that beautiful people are never like that, but to tell the truth, it takes a special kind of effort for them to become like that. Have to say, that narcissism is an enemy you don't want to face (though ugly people also get it from time to time). The difference lies in that for ugly people it's a trial they have to overcome, while for beautiful people it's their own stupid choice they make.
Unfortunately I think I will have to leave it at at that for now, because I can't find a way to express exactly what I mean in proper words.
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