16 December, 2012

Forgot to mention, that I did finally get my salary, only 2 days later. Turned out it really was stuck so if I would have waited any longer, I would have probably died of hunger.
Unfortunately large portion of my this months salary will go for paying off the damn water counters [?]. Their expiry date is due and thus fucking Rigas Namu Pārvalda are charging me ridiculous amounts of money. Obviously, by their count, an average person uses 10 times the amount of water I`m usually using. Fucking corrupted bunch of idiots without any idea how to properly do anything.

In another news, I`m a proud member of CyanogenMod community for a few days and my slowpoke Samsung Galaxy Mini grew a pair of data stream wings, as it seems. There are a few glitches, but no more than in the official Android releases and the gains from CyanogenMod 10 that is JellyBean 4.2 are awesome. I now have a zoom for my camera. It never had that. It's a digital one, so it's crap and I will never use it, but still a zoom.
Effectively, with that I got rid of Go Launcher. Seems it started lagging my android and eating more battery, than it ever did on Gingerbread.
Aw, I abolished Gingerbread right before Christmas.

To continue what I started today...well...yesterday already: we bought a new decent winter coat for my damn sweetheart. 80Ls. Fuck.
They are eating themselves. Yum!
What goes for Cloud Atlas, it was as boring for me as I thought, but at least I thought it would have some deeper ideas in it, something to think about when you are bored. Well...fuck. It was all about how important it is to tell the truth, to fight for the truth, to fight for freedom of speech, so we could tell truth and not be afraid. And it was laid out in a plain as possible way that every idiot could understand it. Waste of 3h, they could have just made a youtube video and include the key sentences in it. What I liked, however, was how they returned Mr. Smith. And a bit of matrix, when they started feeding dead clones to dead clones. As if they couldn't have been fed from the fast-food leftovers.

Unfortunately my evening didn't end on that negative note. My damn sweetheart is still being ignorant and oblivious to anything not considered as important by a higher authority than her. And It's driving me crazy. And I finally feel like giving up that shit.
I mean, I did change my fucking everything for her. I feel like I`m entitles to getting at least that little thing back, for her to stop and think bit, to learn to think, not just listen to whoever says whatever and blindly obey till her emotions take over and then everything flies to shit. She would be the one to get something out of it mostly, not me.
Or maybe I`m from, maybe I`m not really entitled to anything at all, maybe I didn't change myself at all and maybe that's just my fucked up emotions running wild.
Either way, it's hard to keep doing what I don't want to do, especially when there is zero motivation and nobody expects it from me. So why should I, again?

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